Top 5 Video Game Soundtracks of All Time

4 min readMar 19, 2021

By: @jayhairston Social Director at MogulGG 3/19/2021

Ahhhhh the music of my gaming career. Nothing else hits quite like the following soundtracks to some of my all time favorite games. Obviously this list is my own personal opinion. These songs put the controller right back in my hand and I can remember every detail of the moment I first heard their audible chocolate. Would love to hear yours or any you think I may have overlooked! Let’s begin!

#5 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

It’s hard to pick only one game from The Legend of Zelda series as they’re all so damn good but Ocarina of Time is definitely the one. From the Title Theme, to Song of Storms, Zelda’s Lullaby and Lost Forest — even if you don’t think you know these songs, you do. Or have at the very least heard the melodies. Set your phone alarm to Kakariko Village for the best way to wake-up each and every morning.

#4 Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Every single song from Sonic 2 on Sega Genesis is on point. So much so you can listen with your eyes closed and vividly see each level vibrantly in your head. Go ahead, try it with Casino Night. I can remember sitting in the pinball slot machine area for HOURS trying to hit that jackpot! It’s amazingly impressive to see what developers were able to accomplish with the limited amount of space on the old cartridge.

#3 Minecraft

For a game that can be so stressful when playing in survival mode, it’s impossible to feel stressed while listening to it’s soundtrack. Each song is worthy of it’s own symphony orchestra and enhances your experience making a world that should feel desolate instead feel alive and filled with emotion.

#2 Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong’s Quest

The only game to ever have a good water level, I think the soothing music is to thank here. Very few games can match the vibe of the game with it’s score as well as DK2 does. From jungle jams to pirate themes — every track feels epic and never gets old.

#1 Final Fantasy VII

What would a gaming music list be without a Final Fantasy? You could arguably fill the entire Top 5 with just this Franchise but if I had to narrow it down to one it would definitely be 7. Everything about this installment changed what gaming could be for a story telling perspective. Hearing the opening notes of Aerith’s Theme makes grown men weep like babies. One Winged Angel helped solidify Sephiroth’s place in the bad guy hall of fame. I still listen to this soundtrack at least once a month. The remixes, the big band and rock covers — all of it is the best the series has to offer, and this is hard to say coming from a “Final Fantasy 8 is better than 7” fan boy. Final Fantasy VII without question is the #1 game soundtrack of all time.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Final Fantasy (8, X, all of ’em really)
  • Undertale
  • World of Warcraft (Everything but Cataclysm)
  • Animal Crossing
  • Mega Man (Varies)

Love the list? Hate it? Tell me which ones I missed here:

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